View Anderson Union High School District


A District Nurse assists the health clerks in providing services to help students to lead healthier lives.  These services include screening tests, management of medications, referrals and some basic first aid services.  

Every year, parents/guardians will update their student's health conditions through the data confirmation process in Aeries. This will alert the staff of medical concerns, allergies, and medications used at home.  

Student visits to the health office will be recorded their medical log in Aeries. Parents may refer to this log in their Aeries Parent Portal, but will be contacted directly if any visits requiring more attention than minor first aid. 



AUHSD requests that medications be given before or after school whenever possible. Students are not to carry medications on their own at school unless one of the exceptions below applies.

Medication Check-In

If a student must take a prescription or non-prescription medication while at school, they will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Return a completed Medication Authorization Form, signed  by your student's doctor and parent/guardian to the attendance office
  2. Supply the medication to the attendance office
  • Prescriptions: Must be labeled with student name, medication, dose, frequency, doctor name, pharmacy contact information 
  • Non-prescriptions: Must be in a sealed bottle with student's name written on it  

Upon check-in,  the medication will be reviewed and counted for compliance.

Self-Administered Medications 

Students needing to carry medications on themselves, such as self administered Epi-Pens (for emergency anaphylaxis treatment),  asthma inhalers or diabetic insulin and supplies must complete the following steps:

  1. Return a completed Medication Authorization Form, signed by your student's doctor and parent/guardian to the attendance office 
  2. Diabetic insulin shall be self administered in the health office and needles must be disposed of in the provided sharps container



Hearing screenings will occur during the student's sophomore year and will be administered by the District Nurse.


Student vision screens are done individually when a need is identified. If your student has expressed concerns about their vision, please visit the attendance office. They will report the information to the District Nurse to schedule a screening.

West Valley High School

Phone: (530) 347-7171

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